Introducing Swiss Jewel’s New Design Guide

At Swiss Jewel, we not only supply precision sapphire and ruby components to a wide variety of industries; we also strive to collaborate with users who are looking to build custom parts. Our goal is to lend our knowledge of the materials and products to efficiently select the right component and specification for your project.

Design Guide Cover

In our new, downloadable design guide, customers can review product categories, how our components fit together, and more. Below are some of the information categories in the guide.

Products & Materials

We provide a complete list of Swiss Jewel’s materials and custom product offerings, detailing our four main product categories: sapphire windows, balls and hemispheres, rods and tubes, and orifice jewels. Along with common applications, we offer key information for each product type, such as sizes and its endurance in harsh environments.

Jewel Bearing Design Aids

Our jewel bearing options include ring jewels, vee jewels, cup jewels, and endstones. In the design guide, you’ll find a chart with important design notes, top attributes, and the typical applications of each jewel bearing.

Mounting Configurations

Set your jewel bearings with spin-setting, interference-setting, or spring-loaded mounting configurations. This section provides diagrams of the different mount options.


Along with pivot-specific design notes, we describe our pivot options—shouldered, conical, and rounded—as well as which jewel bearings they are best paired with.

Quality, precision, and reliability are at the heart of our business. From sapphire windows to orifice jewels, Swiss Jewel specializes in creating exceptional components for optical and mechanical industries. We are dedicated to evolving with the industries we serve and keeping our customers informed about our products and services.

Learn more and download our design guide here. For further questions or assistance with your next order, contact us today.