Custom Sapphire & Ruby Components

We are able to create a wide range of custom optical components and custom mechanical components including a variety of shapes – from internal holes and tapers to outer flanges, angles and surface finishes. Contact us to discuss your custom optical component or custom mechanical component design.

Design Guide

Our Design Guide provides in depth illustrations and notes to support your custom project. It includes information to guide material selection as well as typical jewel bearing, mounting and pivot options.

Case Study

Problem Solving with Generational Expertise: Swiss Jewel partners with a leading manufacturer of high-speed inkjet printers for industrial and commercial applications to help them achieve precise control over ink drop rate.

Custom Lenses

Optically clear components with varying radii, notches and angles.

Custom Sapphire Windows

Simple custom sapphire windows to larger stepped window. Custom Ruby Washers with high polish.

Intricate Shapes

Small Sapphire cell with stepped diameters and orthogonal hole resting on ruby boule

Custom Sodalime

Custom Sodalime Windows and Rods with frosted (sand blasted) surfaces.

Special Custom Windows

Custom Sapphire Windows with holes and notches

Industrial Sapphire Crystal Applications